Day One.
Have you thought about getting in touch with Pastor ____ and his wife.
I wish that you would. They would love to see you.
I'd rather keep up with them from a distance.
People can change. They've been through a lot in the past year.
I know.
Would you think about getting in touch with them?
Why not?
Because I will not put myself in a position to get beat up again.
People can change. You can change.
I don't need to change. I am who I am.
Yeah, you do.
I'm okay with who I am. God is okay with who I am.
You know what the Bible says.
We don't need to talk about this because we will not agree.
The Bible....
Can say whatever a person wants it to say. It can be used to justify anything.
You are deceived.
Day Two.
I remember when you were in high school and a co-worker told me that they wished their daughter was more like you and interested in helping other people. I bet she wouldn't say that now.
Thanks, mom.
(Cheerfully) You're welcome.
It must really suck.
It does suck.
I can so relate to that overwhelming sense of disappointment coming from your mom. The whole tone of that conversation sounds so much like my own mother.